Please Bear With Me While I Rebuild Gym2Day After Site Crash

Olga Korbut balanced on the top bar
Another of Korbut's signature moves, and just one of several that would be illegal in the current FIG Code of Points. Hunn's caption: "One of the most famous sights in gymnastics -- Olga Korbut poised illogically over the top bar. It is the superb arch of the body that preserves balance."

The site experienced a crash in late December and I have not been able to recover it, so I am rebuilding, redoing each post one by one from text files, adding images and captions by hand. This will take a little while to complete, but I hope to have things close to back the way they were before the end of January. I’ll be leaving out a few old posts that may not be worth the effort to recreate, but the majority of old posts will eventually be back, along with new posts I’m already working on.  I will also have to redo the links in the Gym2Day Facebook page that are currently broken so that they lead to the posts in the rebuilt site.  Please come back a little later.  My friend Olga and I will be waiting. 🙂

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